By Blue Shoptaugh

My mommy and daddy took me on my first vacation to a place called Devil’s Den State Park in Arkansas. The car was crammed full of stuff including my favorite bed and lots of dog food. They said this was the first test to see if I would like camping, whatever that is.

After the long drive, we arrived and immediately set out on a trail. It was in the middle of the woods with lots of new smells. I was so excited. I didn’t know where to go or look.

Daddy made me and Mommy pose for photos. Neither Mommy nor I cared to do that. There were just too many things to check out. I thought by not looking at the camera Daddy would stop it, but he is as stubborn as me. Mommy says, “get used to it Blue.”

This looks interesting. Must not be good because this was a “leave it.”

They tell me these are called caves. I like them because they pump out lots of cool air on what was an unseasonably hot day. I thought my tongue would fall off because I was panting so much.

Enough sitting around, I want to go! Mommy would let me go first. I really liked that.

Daddy was disappointed that the twin waterfalls weren’t flowing when we visited. I’m hoping this means we might come back.

These bugs were all over the place. Daddy says they are called black and yellow lichen moths. They bugged me.
More posing. This time I took Mommy’s advice and smiled by sticking my tongue way out!

This is where we stayed. It was so cool. We were in the trees! Squirrels and other “Leave-Its” were everywhere. Sure beats where we live – our house is surrounded by boring grass. It also had a patio where Mommy and Daddy made a smoky fire to cook.

Mommy made the cabin festive with the Christmas lights she brought along.

The next day was very exciting. For the first time EVER, I went into the water on my own. I have always wanted to do that, but I have always been too scared. Lee Creek felt great!

I was so proud that I was brave and went into the water. Mommy and Daddy were too and decided we needed to take a family pack photo commemorating that I did it.

Daddy says nothing says the Ozarks like a creek rope swing. He says they are fun but not for dogs.

This picture reminds me of the “upside down” that is in the scary “Stranger Things” show that Mommy and Daddy watch on TV.

Daddy says the cabin we stayed in along with the dam (left) and overlook shelter (above) were built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s. Devil’s Den State Park was one of Arkansas’ first state parks.

Out of the four trails we hiked, this was my favorite because I saw these really really fat squirrels called armadillos. I so wanted to chase them but I was told they were leave-its. Now that I knew what they smelled like, I became obsessed with finding them.

The other big highlight for me was I drank water from a creek for the first time. It tasted pretty good. I have always wanted to do that.

Daddy says these piles of rocks are called cairns. He says they look like the cairns in the front yard at a place called Lutak in Alaska.

Celebrating another great day. I really like the cool stone patio. It is literally cool!

So were the stones in front of the fireplace. They were nice and cool too.

So many things to keep an eye on in the woods.

I really like this outdoor stuff. The stuff at home is boring. Mommy and Daddy said I did good on the trip and that the next camping test is to camp in a tent. Not sure what that is but It sounds like fun as Mommy and Daddy say they will sleep like dogs with me on the ground.