This two-minute video from a Columbian sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus) lek is made up of mostly slow-motion footage to see the detail in the movement of the fast-moving grouse. Sharp-tailed grouse gather at the same exact spot (called a lek) in the spring to mate. Males will face off and battle each other for dominance and attract the attention of females. Things to pay attention to: near the end of the video you can see the fast-moving mating dance that the males perform to attract females. I love how the males flick the tip of their tails back and forth, something that can only be seen in slow motion. The same goes for the stomping of their fur-like covered feet. In the final clip, a group of males tries to catch the attention of a female, but she’s not interested in any of the suitors and runs away. EDITOR’S NOTE: sound is not sound at time of image capture due to the use of slow-motion filming.
BLOG POST Columbian sharp-tailed grouse dance to impress
PHOTO GALLERY of all my Columbian Sharp-tailed grouse photos
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