"All...day it rained. The mountains were smothered in dull-colored mist and fog, the great glacier looming through the gloomy gray fog fringes with wonderful effect. It is bad weather for exploring, but delightful nevertheless, making all the … [Read more]
Spectacular view of beautiful Haines (video)
Haines, Alaska, and its surrounding mountains, rivers, and ocean is perhaps the prettiest towns I have traveled to. The panorama video above is an attempt to show the scope of what that beauty entails. The picturesque coastal fishing community in … [Read more]
Glacier Bay’s enormity is hard to fathom (video)
The main bay of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve in Southeast Alaska is vast, stretching 69 miles from its mouth to the furthest extent. It is hard to imagine that the area shown (a small portion of the bay) was a single large glacier of solid … [Read more]
New Year — Time for a bath
On a New Year’s Day walk along the banks of Lake Springfield, I was greeted with the odd sight of a group of Canada geese (Branta canadensis) somersaulting in the water, followed by the loud flap, flap, flap of them flatly banging their wings on the … [Read more]